Intangible resources and export performance


  • Orlando Lima Rua School of Accounting and Administration of Porto, Polytechnic of Porto
  • Alexandra Silva França



Intangible resources, export performance, SMEs, Portuguese footwear industry.


The main goal of this study is to analyze if intangible resources influences export performance.

To this end, taking into account the literature review on the studied themes, we performed a quantitative research, through a survey sent to the responsible for the export activities of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) Portuguese footwear industry companies, associated of the Portuguese Footwear, Components and Leather Goods Association (APICCAPS).

We have confirmed the positive and significant influence that intangible resources carried out into export performance, and that the resources that most contribute to this end are reputation resources and access to financial resources.

This study presents intangible resources as a strategic determinant of export performance.


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Business/Management: Research Papers

How to Cite

Lima Rua, O., & Silva França, A. (2016). Intangible resources and export performance. Tourism & Management Studies, 12(2), 165-172.