About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Tourism & Management Studies (Online ISSN: 2182-8466) is an international open-access academic journal dedicated to publishing original conceptual and empirical research in the fields of:

  • Tourism/Hospitality

Manuscripts in this field should be related to Tourism /Hospitality, approaching their topics from any perspective within the Social Sciences that can enrich both theory and practice (e.g., sustainability, information technologies, social media, marketing, hospitality, geography, sociology, anthropology, economics, psychology, etc.). Studies are expected to be original, address a research gap, and contribute to advancing knowledge in Tourism/Hospitality. 

  • Business/Management 

The journal invites original research contributions in the field of Business/Management, welcoming perspectives that enhance both theory and practice. This encompasses various areas such as marketing, sustainability, information technologies, organisational behaviour, human resource management, strategy, entrepreneurship, innovation, governance, administration, and more. Studies should fill a research gap and actively contribute to advancing knowledge in the dynamic field of Business/Management.

  • Applied Cultural Studies 

The journal also focuses on Applied Cultural Studies as one of its distinctive features, exploring the intersection of Culture with Tourism/Hospitality or Business/Management. Aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, it emphasises Culture's role in sustainable development, inclusive societies, and improved conditions for all involved stakeholders. Topics may include cultural aspects of tourism, heritage in tourism, cultural impacts, creative industries, multiculturalism, gender studies, and the role of festivals/events in tourism. Understanding how Culture shapes international business, including communication, organisational behaviour, hierarchy, and management practices, is emphasised. The journal encourages cross-national and cross-cultural studies, deepening the theoretical understanding of the intricate relationship between Culture and Business in a globalised world.

This journal promotes and disseminates relevant, high-quality research and encourages interdisciplinary and comparative approaches. It aims to provide a forum for researchers, scholars, doctoral students, entrepreneurs, and leaders of public and private institutions and organisations. All papers are subject to a strict triple-blind peer review process.

Tourism & Management Studies is an international publication that covers all geographical areas of the world. Research papers should have between 6,000 and 9,000 words. The Editorial Board may, however, accept longer documents if they are of particular interest to the journal.   

Peer Review Process

After submission, each manuscript is checked for plagiarism, and an editor will conduct an initial assessment (Phase 1) to determine if it fits within the journal’s aims and scope and is suitable for publication. Manuscripts that are not desk-rejected in this initial phase will proceed to Phase 2, where they will be evaluated during an editors' meeting (typically online). In this phase, the manuscript's originality, relevance (including its substantial contribution to the literature), research methods' suitability, and potential to attract the journal's broad audience will be assessed.

Manuscripts that pass this evaluation are then sent for triple-blind peer review and a reviewer's checklist assessment, conducted by experts in the paper's topic and methods (Phase 3). If a paper is not rejected before or during the review process, authors will be asked to improve their manuscript based on the reviewers' and editors' suggestions. The editors will decide to accept a paper based on the reviewers’ reports and their editorial review after one or more rounds of review.

Before acceptance, papers are checked again with Turnitin to ensure they have not been published elsewhere during the review process. Authors may be asked to make additional changes, adaptations, improvements, and proofreading, as well as to format the final version. The final version will undergo a final check by both the editors and the authors. 

Publication Frequency

Quarterly, published only in English, online only:

  • January 31
  • April 30
  • July 31
  • October 31

Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement

Tourism & Management Studies adheres to the principles of transparency and best practices in scholarly publishing of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which are available at https://publicationethics.org/files/Principles_of_Transparency_and_Best_Practice_in_Scholarly_Publishingv3_0.pdf. COPE’s Core Practices are also available at https://publicationethics.org/core-practices. In addition, this journal follows the ethical principles for scientific conduct and publishing listed in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), Fifth Edition, on pages 11–20.

Thus, Tourism & Management Studies condemns malpractices such as fabricating or falsifying data, plagiarism and self-plagiarism, and duplication or excessive data fragmentation (i.e. piecemeal publication). Regarding authorship, the journal concurs with the APA’s conceptualisation of authorship as ‘reserved for persons who make a substantial contribution to and accept responsibility for a published work’ (Publication Manual of the APA, Fifth Edition, 2001, p. 18).

In turn, editors and reviewers are bound by the principle of confidentiality regarding all submitted materials to which they have access. This principle also means that editors and reviewers may not use the material from any unpublished manuscript to advance their own or others’ research without the author’s express consent (Publication Manual of the APA, Fifth Edition, 2001, p. 18). Authors, editors, and reviewers must further disclose any conflicts of interest. Authors must base their research on ‘objective interpretations of evidence and unbiased interpretation of fact’ (Publication Manual of the APA, Fifth Edition, 2001, p. 17). If authors are aware of any conflicts of interest in their papers, they must inform the editors.

The publisher remains accountable for the journal’s performance and compliance with all its ethical policies.

During the online submission process, authors must confirm the validity of the statement that their paper is original and free of plagiarism and that the manuscript has neither been nor will be submitted to other publications. The journal additionally uses TURNITIN to screen submissions for plagiarism and artificial intelligence-generated text. Any confirmed attempt of fraud, such as plagiarism and fabricated or falsified data, will be subjected to the following measures:

a)       If the violation occurs before the paper’s publication, the manuscript will be rejected.

b)      If an evidence-based fraud charge occurs after publication, the article will be retracted, and the reasons for retraction will be published on the journal's website. The authors will be blacklisted and banned from ever publishing again in the journal.

c)       The Editorial Advisory Board may be asked to advise on ethical issues whenever needed.

Creative Commons license

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Information on charges, waiver policy, and open access

Tourism & Management Studies does not charge article submission or processing fees (APC). This journal also has no waiver policy for authors from developing countries. In addition, the journal adheres to the Budapest Open Access Initiative’s definition of open access: that users have the right to ‘read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles’.

Journal History

This journal was launched in 2005 as "Revista Encontros Científicos".

Since 2011, due to its successful internationalization process, the title has been changed to TOURISM & MANAGEMENT STUDIES.

Since 2017, the journal has been an online quarterly publication in English, with an abstract, title, and keywords in a second language, Portuguese or Spanish. English, Spanish and Portuguese are among the top 5 world languages by native speakers.