The effect of flow experience on reuse intention of mobile navigation apps: The mediating role of location-based mobile service quality


  • Erdem Ozkan Istanbul University
  • Bahar Yasin Istanbul University
  • Aylin Ecem Gursen Galatasaray University
  • Habib Mehmet Akpinar Halic University



Location-based services, Mobile navigation applications, Mobile service quality, Flow experience, Reuse intention


This study aims to determine the effect of consumers' flow experience on their intention to reuse mobile navigation apps and reveal the mediating role of location-based mobile service quality in this effect. Data were collected through an online survey of 513 respondents who were actively using mobile navigation apps and analyzed using structural equation modeling and mediation analysis. The results reveal that flow experience affects the intention to reuse mobile navigation apps and that location-based mobile service quality mediates this effect. When the mediating role of location-based service quality was tested, the direct effect of flow experience on reuse intention became insignificant. Information, reliability, and design quality are the most significant dimensions of location-based service quality. Considering the limited number of studies on mobile navigation services, particularly user behavior, this study contributes substantially to services marketing literature. In addition, this study provides insights for practitioners on how to design service proposals and the realization processes of mobile navigation apps.

Author Biographies

  • Erdem Ozkan, Istanbul University
    Erdem Ozkan, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of marketing at Istanbul University School of Business. His research focuses on consumer behavior, marketing research, digital marketing, services marketing, marketing analytics, and advanced research techniques in marketing. He has many publications in international and national journals.
  • Bahar Yasin, Istanbul University
    Bahar Yasin, Ph.D., is an associate professor of marketing at Istanbul University School of Business. Her research interests are largely directed towards understanding consumer behavior. She has a number of publications in international peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings that focus on corporate social responsibility, corporate reputation, brand equity, brand relationship quality, consumer innovativeness, e-health, destination image, tourism information search, service quality and consumer decision-making styles.
  • Aylin Ecem Gursen, Galatasaray University

    Aylin Ecem Gursen, Ph.D., is a research assistant at Galatasaray University, Department of Business Administration. Her research focuses on consumer behavior, art marketing, marketing communication, and marketing research.

  • Habib Mehmet Akpinar, Halic University

    Habib Mehmet Akpinar, Ph.D., is a lecturer at Halic University, Department of Sports Management, Istanbul. His research focuses on consumer behavior, digital marketing, brand management, and sports marketing.


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Business/Management: Research Papers

How to Cite

Ozkan, E., Yasin, B., Gursen, A. E., & Akpinar, H. M. (2024). The effect of flow experience on reuse intention of mobile navigation apps: The mediating role of location-based mobile service quality. Tourism & Management Studies, 20(1), 1-19.

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