The Magical World of Disney: building relationships with clients from the brand personality


  • Gabriela Nobre
  • Gisela Demo
  • Fernanda Scussel Federal University of Santa Catarinaa
  • Eluiza Watanabe


The purpose of this article is to evaluate the relationship between the brand personality attributed to Disney by consumers and how it affects the perception of their relationship with the brand. This quantitative study presents a survey with 283 Brazilian visitors from Disney parks. The Structural Equation Modeling was used, confirming the prediction relationship between brand personality and relationship perception. The results show that Credibility, Sensitivity, Audacity and Sophistication influence the client’s relationship perception with Disney brand. Among them, Credibility dimension was the main predictor. Our discussion contributes with the body of knowledge of relationship marketing and branding, especially in identifying the nature of the relation between these marketing variables.


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Business/Management: Research Papers

How to Cite

Nobre, G., Demo, G., Scussel, F., & Watanabe, E. (2020). The Magical World of Disney: building relationships with clients from the brand personality. Tourism & Management Studies, 16(1), 39-49.

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