Crisis and survival strategy in the Spanish hospitality industry: An approach through financial statements


  • Remedios Ramón Dangla Universidad de Alicante



Hospitality industry, financial statements, solvency, indebtedness, profitability, economic crisis.


The aim of this study is to see if the survival strategy of Spanish Hotels on the current crisis has left a mark in their Financial Statements and if the changes have taken place at the same time as the national economy was evolving. To do this, we have obtained a sample of 975 companies from SABI. We have made the financial ratios and applied them a paired t-test measurements. It has rejected the null hypothesis of equal means with a 95% confidence for profitability, solvency and indebtedness ratios: the crisis could have been the reason of lower profitability and debt and higher levels of liquidity, solvency and efficiency. On the other hand, with a regression we have researched the economic variables which can explain better the hotels income evolution: the foreign tourist arrivals are the key for the anti-cyclical behavior of the sector.

Author Biography

  • Remedios Ramón Dangla, Universidad de Alicante

    Departamento de Economía Finaciera y Contabilidad.

    Prof. Ayudante Doctora (Acreditada)


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Tourism/Hospitality: Research Papers

How to Cite

Ramón Dangla, R. (2016). Crisis and survival strategy in the Spanish hospitality industry: An approach through financial statements. Tourism & Management Studies, 12(2), 117-126.

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