Analysis of the determinants on the predisposition to visit a wellness tourism destination. Typologies of potential tourists


  • Andrea Paola De la Hoz University of Granada
  • Francisco Muñoz Leiva University of Granada



Wellness tourism, motivation, intention, mere exposure effect.


In this article we analyze: a) the potential effect that variables such as familiarity, motivation and image have on the intention to visit a wellness tourism destination; b) the existence of different groups of tourists that may exist using a psychological criteria, in this case, motivations. For data gathering, a web questionnaire was sent to an existing entry list on a web platform. The analysis demonstrates the existence of groups of wellness tourists and shows the influence of the variables under study on the intention of visiting a wellness tourism destination. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the decision-making process and the factors that influence actual and potential tourists to conduct welfare activities and to choose certain destinations.


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Tourism/Hospitality: Research Papers

How to Cite

De la Hoz, A. P., & Muñoz Leiva, F. (2016). Analysis of the determinants on the predisposition to visit a wellness tourism destination. Typologies of potential tourists. Tourism & Management Studies, 12(2), 84-95.

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