Privacy preservation in data intensive environment


  • Jyotir Moy Chatterjee
  • Raghvendra Kumar
  • Prasant Kumar Pattnaik
  • Vijender Kumar Solanki
  • Noor Zaman


Healthcare, Healthcare data frameworks, Privacy saving, Unstructured restoration, Fuzzy systems


Abstract: Healthcare data frameworks have enormously expanded accessibility of medicinal reports and profited human services administration and research work. In many cases, there are developing worries about protection in sharing restorative files. Protection procedures for unstructured restorative content spotlight on recognition and expulsion of patient identifiers from the content, which might be lacking for safeguarding privacy and information utility. For medicinal services, maybe related exploration thinks about the therapeutic records of patients ought to be recovered from various destinations with various regulations on the divulgence of healthcare data.


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Business/Management: Research Papers

How to Cite

Chatterjee, J. M., Kumar, R., Pattnaik, P. K., Solanki, V. K., & Zaman, N. (2018). Privacy preservation in data intensive environment. Tourism & Management Studies, 14(2), 72-79.