Managers’ attitudes to creativity and innovation practices in the creative industries


  • Fernando Cardoso Sousa CIEO/UAlg – Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics/University of the Algarve
  • Florbela Nunes Service worker of the IEFP – Employment and Professional Training Service - in Evora/Portugal.
  • Ileana Monteiro University of Algarve - School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism CIEO - Research Center for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. University of the Algarve



Creativity, Innovation, Creative management, Creative Industries


This article seeks to demonstrate that the relationship between entrepreneurs’ attitudes towards creativity and business innovation practices is stronger in the creative industries. A sample of 454 managers of micro and medium-sized companies – of which 94 belong to the creative industries – was surveyed by making an inventory of innovative business practices and applying a scale measuring attitudes towards creativity. The results were derived based on a linear regression model with two factors for the attitudes scale (i.e. leadership and autonomy) and for the inventory of business practices (i.e. performance and strategy). This research supported the initial theoretical proposition by confirming the influence of managers’ creative attitudes towards their company’s innovative, strategy-based practices, especially within the creative industries. Innovative managers appear to be disciplined individuals driven to collaborate with their employees. Although these findings require further study, they suggest that managers in the creative industries have noteworthy characteristics.


Author Biographies

  • Fernando Cardoso Sousa, CIEO/UAlg – Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics/University of the Algarve

    M.A. and PhD. in Organizational Psychology. President of the GAIM – Marketing Research Centre - and of APGICO – Portuguese Association for Creativity and Innovation in Organizations. Researcher at the CIEO/UAlg – Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics/University of the Algarve

  • Florbela Nunes, Service worker of the IEFP – Employment and Professional Training Service - in Evora/Portugal.

    PhD in Work and Organizational Psychology (UEvora). Service worker of the IEFP – Employment and Professional Training Service - in Evora/Portugal. Experience in vocational orientation and author and coauthor of articles of scientific and professional themes.

  • Ileana Monteiro, University of Algarve - School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism CIEO - Research Center for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. University of the Algarve

    MA in Organizational Behavior and  PhD in Organizational Psychology, Adjunct Professor at ESGHT/UAlg  and researcher at the CIEO/UAlg – Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics/University of the Algarve, board member of  APGICO – Portuguese Association for Creativity and Innovation in Organizations.


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Applied Cultural Studies: Research Papers

How to Cite

Sousa, F. C., Nunes, F., & Monteiro, I. (2019). Managers’ attitudes to creativity and innovation practices in the creative industries. Tourism & Management Studies, 15(1SI), 33-41.